Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Windows 7 Cool New Feature, Snap

I’m working on a SharePoint project.  Part of this project involved migrating SharePoint 2007 Publishing web sites over to SharePoint 2010 Publishing web sites.  After the migration program was run, we needed to perform a comparison between the SharePoint 2007 sites and the newly created SharePoint 2010 sites. 

To help make this process less tedious and to make the comparison easier, I tried the new Snap feature that is part of Windows 7.  This worked great and was a big help with the comparison process.  I love this cool new feature. 

Snap is easy to use.  To see a video on how to use snap, visit this link:

Let me know how you use snap to help get your projects done or how you may use it just for fun. 


1 comment:

  1. Brian Heath tried to leave a comment, but he wasn't able to, due to the settings for this blog. I have changed the setting, so anyone should be able to post a comment.

    Here is Brian's comment:

    I tried this and it works. As you know I don't know much about compurtes but was able to do this.
    I left a comment on your blog but don't know if it posted or not.
    But thanks for the info i like this.
