Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Screen Captures with Google’s Chrome Browser

When I’m working with my web site clients, there are times when they need to share what a web page looks like visual with me.  It can be difficult to convey in words what they are seeing.  Screen captures are an easy way to show what they are seeing and it isn’t hard to do.

Google has an extension (a small add on program) for screen captures and this extension is created to work with their new web browser, Chrome.  Chrome and the screen capture extension is free.  If you want to use this extension, you must already have Chrome installed.  If you don’t, follow the instructions under the section “Install Chrome”. 

If you have Chrome already installed, skip to the section “Installing and Using the Screen Capture Extension for Chrome”. 

Installing Chrome

If you don’t have Chrome installed, you will need to installed before you can use the screen capture extension.  To install Chrome, visit this link:  Google Chrome Download and following the instructions. 

Installing and Using the Screen Capture Extension for Chrome

I was going to list all the steps for installing and using the Screen Capture extension, but I decided instead to create a little video showing all the steps for installing it and using it.  To view the video tutorial, click on the play button for the youtube video below. 

I hope you found this simple little video tutorial helpful.  Enjoy!

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Photoshop CS5

As a web site designer, I use Photoshop as one of my tools.  There is a new version of Photoshop out, CS5.  I have been watching some video tutorials this morning that cover some of the new features in CS5.  I found these tutorials on PhotoshopCafe.com.   CS5 has some cool new features.  I would highly suggest checking out some or all of these tutorials. 

I don’t have Photoshop CS5 yet, but after watching these tutorials, I want it.  Some of the features I liked and I would use are:

  • Content Aware
  • HDR – True photo combining to create an HDR image
  • HDR Toning  Filter
  • Mixer Brush – Some really cool brushes that look pretty realistic
  • True Edge – For your composite work.  This seems to be much improved

I'm excited about CS5 and I’m looking forward to trying it.  If you have used the new Photoshop CS5, let us know what your thoughts are.  Enjoy!

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Missed a TV Show

Have you ever missed a TV show and you don’t have a way of recording it?  Recently this happened to me.  We have gotten around to setting up something for recording a program from our DIRECTV service.  We have been meaning to do this, but we have just been to distracted with life.  There is a new TV series on the the Science Channel that I wanted to see – Morgan Freeman’s, “Through the Wormhole”.  It is about the Everything Theory.  I missed it the other night. 

This morning I went out to the Science channel’s web site and saw video clips about the program and I found other video clips about the program on YouTube, but I really wanted to see the whole program.  I brought up my ITunes software and search for the program in the ITunes store and there it was!  You can download the episode for $1.99 or purchase the whole series for $13.99.  Just remember that you will need a fast internet connection and plenty of disk space.  Videos are not small. 

The cool thing about downloading the entire program onto your computer is you can take it on the road with you, by downloading it to your IPod

This is pretty cool.  Enjoy!