Wednesday, September 15, 2010

My Computer won’t turn on – Help!!

The phone rings.  It is my neighbor.  I don’t hear from this neighbor very often.  When I do hear from them, it is usually when they have a computer problem.  I have become the resident computer tech person for our Paint Creek community.  I don’t mind, if I have the time.  It is a way I can give back to my small community. 

My neighbor ask me “my computer won’t start/turn on, what could be wrong with it”.  I’m going to outline a few things you can try that will help you determine if you have an issue with your computer and/or any of its other external devices.  Here are a few things you can try:

  1. Make sure your computer and monitor are turned on – I hear you laughing.  You will be surprised how many times this is the case.
  2. Try plugging your computers power cord into another outlet.  Make sure it is a good outlet. You can perform this test of plugging a lamp into the outlet that you believe is working well.  
  3. Next try unplugging everything from the computer for 5 minutes.  Then plug the monitor, keyboard and mouse back into the computer.  Plug the power cord for the monitor and the computer into a good outlet.  Leave all other hardware unplugged from the computer.  Such as:  external speakers, modems/routers, printers, or any other devices. 
  4. If your computer comes on and boots up fine, then start hooking up the other devices, one at a time and see if everything powers up fine.  Using this method, I have had it work many times (as long as there was nothing seriously wrong with my computer).  It can be a pain, but it won't cost you an arm and a leg, just your time doing some troubleshooting. 

If the above method works for you, it doesn't mean that something was broken (something could be).  A lot of times it just resets all the devices and the computer.  

If something is broken you should notice the computer acting up in some way when you add the faulty device (maybe the printer, etc..) and then you can keep that device unplugged and replace it.     

One of the most common hardware failures that occurs in a computer, is the power supply.  I have replaced these in my own computers.  I have some links below that will help you determine if you have a bad power supply and if you do, there is a youtube video link that will show you how to install a power supply.

If your computer still doesn’t power on, check out the links below.  If your computer still won’t turn on, then you will have to take it to someone who can diagnose the problem and fixed it.

I hope this helps.  Enjoy!
