Thursday, May 20, 2010

ITunes U

It has been a little while since I have posted on this blog.  I have been busy with my personal blog (, looking for work, doing lots of spring activities (planting, making rose petal syrup, putting up strawberries, etc..) and traveling some. This has been a busy spring so far.

I have been using ITunes U (U for University) recently and I thought I would do a post about it, in case you haven’t heard about it or perhaps haven’t used it yet. 

ITunes U is a free service offered by Apple.  Apple’s motto for ITunes U is “Learn anything, anywhere, anytime”.  ITunes U is a free learning service.  It has lectures, audio books, video, music, course material, pdf files, etc...For more details about what is on ITunes U, click here.

A lot of major universities use ITunes U, but other organizations use it as well – PBS, Museums, New York public Library, etc..   This is a wonderful learning tool that is free.  I love that.  To see a short and fun overview of ITunes on youtube, click here.

ITunes U can be accessed using your IPhone, IPod or the ITunes program on your computer.  I won’t outline step by step what you need to do to use ITunes, I will provide a couple of Youtube video links that will give you the details you need and of course you can continue your own learning by searching youtube for more video tutorials, do a Google search for more information on ITunes U, or perhaps look through ITunes U and see what is there. 

Here are some Youtube links for ITunes U:

Other Links:

Apples ITunes U web page

I hope you enjoy learning and using ITunes U. 

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Free New Wallpapers for your PC

Looking for some new wallpapers for your PC? Check out Microsoft Bing's wallpapers.  This link is for Windows 7 users. 

For previous version of Windows (VISTA, Windows XP, etc..) you can download Bing images to your computer and then select one for your wallpaper.  Here is the link for downloading Bing images:
