The new version of ASP.NET – version 4 and Visual Studio – 2010 is now released. I downloaded them yesterday and installed them. I haven’t had a lot of time to check them out, this is a busy week for me and I’m leaving this Thursday for five days. Hopefully I’ll get chance next week to take a good look at the new ASP.NET and Visual Studio.
If you are interested in learning more about these new released Microsoft products, check out this link: ASP.NET 4 and Visual Studio 2010 Released.
Microsoft has a free tool for installing everything you need for their web platform. It is called “Microsoft Web Platform Installer” (MWP). The MWP will install IIS, SQL, .NET framework, web apps for blogging, and much more. To learn more about this tool and to download it, visit this web site: Microsoft Web Platform Installer.
If you get a chance to look at things, let us know what you think.