Thursday, December 30, 2010

How do I search all of Craigslist?

My partner, Danny is just starting to learn how to use a computer.  He is learning how to use email and how to surf the internet for things he is interested in.  I’m showing him the ropes. 

This morning he wanted to search for campers (ours was recently totaled.  For more information, click here) on Craigslist, but he wanted to search for campers on all of Craigslist.  He asked me how he could do this.  Well, I must confess, I don’t use Craigslist very much, and so I didn’t know how to do this. 

I went out to Craigslist (CL) and looked around and didn’t find a way to do this (that doesn’t mean there isn’t a way, I just didn’t find it this morning), that was obvious to me. 

So, I did what I usually do in a situation like this, I performed a Google Search. I found a way to search all of CL in a matter of seconds using Google’s Search Engine.  I love Google. Here is the link I found, in case you are interested:

It really wasn’t that hard.  I’ll outline the steps for you here. 

  • First, open up a browser window (Internet Explorer, Chrome, Firefox, etc..).
  • Type in “” in the address bar.  Google’s home page should appear.


  • Now you will need to type the following into the Google search box: “replace this text with your search keywords”.

  • For my example, I decided to search all of CL for “Honda Cars”.  Here is what I type into the Google Search box: “Honda Cars”.


  • Press the Enter key or click on the Google Search button. 
  • Next, I was presented with a list of links to Honda cars on Craigslist. 


Pretty cool. 

For more details on how you can search for something on all of Craigslist, you can perform your own Google Search and/or check out the link I found, by visiting this site:


Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Windows 7 Cool New Feature, Snap

I’m working on a SharePoint project.  Part of this project involved migrating SharePoint 2007 Publishing web sites over to SharePoint 2010 Publishing web sites.  After the migration program was run, we needed to perform a comparison between the SharePoint 2007 sites and the newly created SharePoint 2010 sites. 

To help make this process less tedious and to make the comparison easier, I tried the new Snap feature that is part of Windows 7.  This worked great and was a big help with the comparison process.  I love this cool new feature. 

Snap is easy to use.  To see a video on how to use snap, visit this link:

Let me know how you use snap to help get your projects done or how you may use it just for fun. 


Monday, December 27, 2010

I’m Published–How Cool

I’m snowed in this morning.  It is truly beautiful, but very cold.  I’m sitting in my living room near the woodstove, so I stay toasty warm.  I love it! 

GrassFullMed2I work as an consultant at the University of Tennessee (UT) in Knoxville.  I’m a SharePoint Specialist.  I’m working on SharePoint publishing sites.  I’m doing custom branding, creating sites, adding new content, and creating training material.  In regards to training material, I recently got published for some training material that I help to create and update.  How cool. 

I really enjoy working at UT and working with SharePoint 2010.  Working on this SharePoint project has been filled with lots learning, creativity, some frustration at times, exciting at other times, but mostly fun.  I’m enjoying my experience at UT. 




Wednesday, September 15, 2010

My Computer won’t turn on – Help!!

The phone rings.  It is my neighbor.  I don’t hear from this neighbor very often.  When I do hear from them, it is usually when they have a computer problem.  I have become the resident computer tech person for our Paint Creek community.  I don’t mind, if I have the time.  It is a way I can give back to my small community. 

My neighbor ask me “my computer won’t start/turn on, what could be wrong with it”.  I’m going to outline a few things you can try that will help you determine if you have an issue with your computer and/or any of its other external devices.  Here are a few things you can try:

  1. Make sure your computer and monitor are turned on – I hear you laughing.  You will be surprised how many times this is the case.
  2. Try plugging your computers power cord into another outlet.  Make sure it is a good outlet. You can perform this test of plugging a lamp into the outlet that you believe is working well.  
  3. Next try unplugging everything from the computer for 5 minutes.  Then plug the monitor, keyboard and mouse back into the computer.  Plug the power cord for the monitor and the computer into a good outlet.  Leave all other hardware unplugged from the computer.  Such as:  external speakers, modems/routers, printers, or any other devices. 
  4. If your computer comes on and boots up fine, then start hooking up the other devices, one at a time and see if everything powers up fine.  Using this method, I have had it work many times (as long as there was nothing seriously wrong with my computer).  It can be a pain, but it won't cost you an arm and a leg, just your time doing some troubleshooting. 

If the above method works for you, it doesn't mean that something was broken (something could be).  A lot of times it just resets all the devices and the computer.  

If something is broken you should notice the computer acting up in some way when you add the faulty device (maybe the printer, etc..) and then you can keep that device unplugged and replace it.     

One of the most common hardware failures that occurs in a computer, is the power supply.  I have replaced these in my own computers.  I have some links below that will help you determine if you have a bad power supply and if you do, there is a youtube video link that will show you how to install a power supply.

If your computer still doesn’t power on, check out the links below.  If your computer still won’t turn on, then you will have to take it to someone who can diagnose the problem and fixed it.

I hope this helps.  Enjoy!


Thursday, August 19, 2010

What are DPIs and how do you change them

This is a question that has plagued many people.  I have people ask me from time-to-time, what does DPI mean.  DPI is an acronym for “Dot Per Inch”.  In simplistic terms, DPI is really just a way of conveying the measurement for output to a medium, such as paper.

If you have digital images that you want to print out, you can use the full size version of the image that comes right from your digital camera.  You shouldn’t have any problems with printing out your images this way. 

One of the most common problems I see occur, is when people are trying to print out their digital images and they have reduced the size of their digital images for emailing or other purposes.  When reducing the size of the image, the resolution and DPIs of the image will also be changed.  This can cause you to have some issues with printing.  Make sure you always keep the original image around and make changes to a copy of the original image for emailing to friends, posting on facebook, etc.  When you go to print out some of your digital images, you’ll be glad you kept the originals.  I have learned this lesson the hard way, like so many others. 

To learn more about what DPI is, and how to change the DPI on an image, check out the links below:


Monday, August 16, 2010

Flash Mobs

Have you heard of a Flash Mob?  If not, read on.  Here is a definition I found on the internet that sums up what a Flash Mob is:

A relatively new phenomenon, a flash mob is a spontaneous gathering of people who assemble in a predetermined location, perform an action, and then disperse. Participants network through email, bulletin boards, and websites, and generally assemble silently and without comment before vanishing equally mysteriously.

Note:  The above definition was found at this web site:

There are videos made of these Flash Mobs.  Here are a couple of Flash Mob video links:

You can go to and perform a search using these search keywords: “Flash Mobs”.  A list of of video links for Flash Mobs will appear.  There a some fun and interesting Flash Mob videos from all around the globe. 

I really like the idea of Flash Mobs.  What a true way to share a gift with total strangers in a way that is fun and entertaining.  It is a random act of kindness that hopefully touches people in ways that inspire them to pass along random acts of kindness, laughter, joy, and/or beauty. How cool. 


Sunday, August 1, 2010

Resizing Images

I get asked a lot “How do I resize my images/pictures”.  I thought I would write a quick and short post on how you can resize images.  Like a lot of things in life, there are several ways you could do this.  In this post, I’m just going to cover one method – using Windows Live Photo Gallery (WLPG). 

Note:  I’m running Vista and so are most of the folks who are asking about me about resizing images.  I don’t know if WLPG will run on earlier versions of Windows, so this blog post assumes you are running Windows Vista.

Windows Live Photo Gallery is a free program from Microsoft.  If you don’t have this program installed already, visit this link Windows Live Photo Gallery Download to download and install the software.

Once you have WLPG installed, you are now ready to use it to resize images.  It is really pretty simple.  Here is a link – Using Windows Live Photo Gallery that outlines the steps and show screen shots of the program. 

Happy image resizing!

Saturday, July 31, 2010

Recycling old Batteries and Computer Equipment

RecyclingImage1  I have a bunch of old batteries (AA, AAA, DD) and an old Dell laptop battery (li-ion) that are dead and I need to recycle them.  I went out to the internet this morning and I performed a Google search looking for places that recycle dead batteries.  I didn’t think I would find any place local (Greeneville, TN) that would recycle batteries.  But to my surprise, I found several places.  I was thrilled.  

It turns out that all of our dump centers through out our county (Greene) will take the following items for recycling:

Plastic, cardboard, newspaper, aluminum cans, used oil, 4 used tires per year, batteries, metal, demolition and used computers and monitors, along with your household trash. 

Awesome!  We already take our plastic, cardboard, newspaper, aluminum cans, used oil and household trash to the closest dump center to us, but I didn’t realized that they would take batteries. 

For dump center locations, hours and phone numbers, visit this LINK at the Greene County Chamber of Commerce (GCCC) web site.  The GCCC web site even has a link called “Keep Greene Beautiful”.  I’m so happy that our Chamber of Commerce is trying to be environmentally friendly.  I would like the next generations that follow us, to have a place that is healthy, green and beautiful.  If you have a moment and you care about recycling and leaving a better place for our grandchildren, check out the programs on the GCCC web site, by clicking here.  You may find something that you are interested in joining. 

I also found a web site called “Call2Recycle US”.  I was able to perform a search for places that recycle in our area (you supply your zip code for the search) and to my surprise again, there were several pages of places that will take your recycling material.  Wow, how awesome is that.  Another great resource for recycling.  I’m loving this and I am so glad that recycling is expanding. 

If you have an old laptop or smarthphone that you want to recycle, I found an interesting web site that perform this service for free.  The web site is “”.  The process seems simple enough.  They send you prepaid packaging.  You mail back your old laptop or smartphone to them.  They erase everything on your laptop and send you a report on the results.  Then they redistribute or recycle your old laptop to cover their operating costs.  They operate on a Zero land-fill policy.  I really like this idea a lot.  

Now, I haven’t used before, so I can’t vouch for it, but it seems like a good idea.  If I used this service, I would wipe out  everything on my laptops hard drive before sending it them.  This way, I really wouldn’t worry and the service is free and your old equipment gets re-used or recycled.  Sounds great to me. 

My Google search results lead me to a really informative article on the Earth911 web site called “Get the most out of your battery”.  This article contains a lot of useful tips for getting longer life out of your batteries, what type of batteries work best in what electronic devices, etc.  I would recommend reading this online article.  It isn’t very long and you’ll find useful information in the article, I believe. 

If you have some time, take a moment and let me what your recycling experience has been and anything of RecyclingImage2interest and fun regarding recycling. is doing some interesting Green programs.  To learn more about them, check out the links below:

Happy recycling!

Saturday, July 24, 2010

What is is a web site that allows people to sell what they make, directly to the public.  It is like eBay, except that Etsy focus is on handmade items, helping people make a living, and working towards creating a new economy.  Their motto is “Buy, Sell, and Live Handmade”.  Pretty cool.

Etsy allows you to signup for a free store and it has a shopping cart and everything.  To learn more about what you can sell and to register at Etsy, check out this selling link. 

Etsy also has a blog and how to videos.  Check out these links for more details:

If you hand make items or sell craft supplies and your are looking for an option to sell your items on the internet, Etsy may be a good fit for you.  Check it out and see.  Enjoy!

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Google Places

Have you heard of Google Places?  If not, check out this link:  This is another great tool offered by the folks at Google.  Google Places allows a business to expand their their business information to include hours of operation, photos, videos, coupons, product offerings, etc.  You can also verify your business when you go through the setup process for adding your business to Google Places.

Google Places is a great tool and it is easy to use and the best part is - it is free.  There are some additional add-ons for Google Place and some them will have a fee associated with them.  Here is one add-on you may find complimentary with Google Places, it is:  How do I take advantage of the Google Tags 30-day free trial and this link:  How much do TAGs cost and this link for which has video on How to signup for TAGs.  This is one of Google’s advertisement options. 

Google Places is offering a free photo shoot for your business.  You can signup for a free photo shoot at:  Free Business Photo Shoot.  How cool would that be!!!!!!!

Google Places even offers some basic stats for your business.  Once you signup for Google Places, you can view your business listing stats on your Google Places Dashboard. 

To signup for Google Places, visit this link:  Google Places

Google Places is a way to help promote your business and hopefully pick up some new business.  It only cost you a small amount of your time.  Not a bad price in these lean times.  Enjoy

Monday, July 12, 2010

Google Wave is available to everyone

You may be asking yourself, what is Google Wave?  Good question.  It is a tool for getting things done in groups.  It tracks all the emails for a group (a WAVE) in way that shows how the conversation(s) flowed.  Check out the video below and it will introduce you to Google Wave.

For more information on Google Wave, check out Google’s blog post at:


Sunday, July 11, 2010

ITunes Playlist and Audio CDs for your music

Do you have your favorite tunes in ITunes and maybe you want to play them in your stereos CD player or maybe you want to play them in your cars CD player.  You can create audio CDs for this purpose.  I mostly use my IPod for playing my tunes, but sometimes I want to play my tunes in my stereos CD player in my living room and my husband doesn’t use a computer or an IPod, so I create audio CDs for him to listen to. 

Instead of writing all the steps down, I went out and searched the internet for video links that will show you step by step how to create playlist and audio cds. 

This first video link is on Apple’s web site and it shows you how to create different types of playlist in ITunes.  Here is the link:

The second link is on youtube and it shows you how to create playlist and audio CDs.  Here is the link:

Once you have created your audio CD, test it out.  Sit back and enjoy your tunes!

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Screen Captures with Google’s Chrome Browser

When I’m working with my web site clients, there are times when they need to share what a web page looks like visual with me.  It can be difficult to convey in words what they are seeing.  Screen captures are an easy way to show what they are seeing and it isn’t hard to do.

Google has an extension (a small add on program) for screen captures and this extension is created to work with their new web browser, Chrome.  Chrome and the screen capture extension is free.  If you want to use this extension, you must already have Chrome installed.  If you don’t, follow the instructions under the section “Install Chrome”. 

If you have Chrome already installed, skip to the section “Installing and Using the Screen Capture Extension for Chrome”. 

Installing Chrome

If you don’t have Chrome installed, you will need to installed before you can use the screen capture extension.  To install Chrome, visit this link:  Google Chrome Download and following the instructions. 

Installing and Using the Screen Capture Extension for Chrome

I was going to list all the steps for installing and using the Screen Capture extension, but I decided instead to create a little video showing all the steps for installing it and using it.  To view the video tutorial, click on the play button for the youtube video below. 

I hope you found this simple little video tutorial helpful.  Enjoy!

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Photoshop CS5

As a web site designer, I use Photoshop as one of my tools.  There is a new version of Photoshop out, CS5.  I have been watching some video tutorials this morning that cover some of the new features in CS5.  I found these tutorials on   CS5 has some cool new features.  I would highly suggest checking out some or all of these tutorials. 

I don’t have Photoshop CS5 yet, but after watching these tutorials, I want it.  Some of the features I liked and I would use are:

  • Content Aware
  • HDR – True photo combining to create an HDR image
  • HDR Toning  Filter
  • Mixer Brush – Some really cool brushes that look pretty realistic
  • True Edge – For your composite work.  This seems to be much improved

I'm excited about CS5 and I’m looking forward to trying it.  If you have used the new Photoshop CS5, let us know what your thoughts are.  Enjoy!

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Missed a TV Show

Have you ever missed a TV show and you don’t have a way of recording it?  Recently this happened to me.  We have gotten around to setting up something for recording a program from our DIRECTV service.  We have been meaning to do this, but we have just been to distracted with life.  There is a new TV series on the the Science Channel that I wanted to see – Morgan Freeman’s, “Through the Wormhole”.  It is about the Everything Theory.  I missed it the other night. 

This morning I went out to the Science channel’s web site and saw video clips about the program and I found other video clips about the program on YouTube, but I really wanted to see the whole program.  I brought up my ITunes software and search for the program in the ITunes store and there it was!  You can download the episode for $1.99 or purchase the whole series for $13.99.  Just remember that you will need a fast internet connection and plenty of disk space.  Videos are not small. 

The cool thing about downloading the entire program onto your computer is you can take it on the road with you, by downloading it to your IPod

This is pretty cool.  Enjoy!

Thursday, May 20, 2010

ITunes U

It has been a little while since I have posted on this blog.  I have been busy with my personal blog (, looking for work, doing lots of spring activities (planting, making rose petal syrup, putting up strawberries, etc..) and traveling some. This has been a busy spring so far.

I have been using ITunes U (U for University) recently and I thought I would do a post about it, in case you haven’t heard about it or perhaps haven’t used it yet. 

ITunes U is a free service offered by Apple.  Apple’s motto for ITunes U is “Learn anything, anywhere, anytime”.  ITunes U is a free learning service.  It has lectures, audio books, video, music, course material, pdf files, etc...For more details about what is on ITunes U, click here.

A lot of major universities use ITunes U, but other organizations use it as well – PBS, Museums, New York public Library, etc..   This is a wonderful learning tool that is free.  I love that.  To see a short and fun overview of ITunes on youtube, click here.

ITunes U can be accessed using your IPhone, IPod or the ITunes program on your computer.  I won’t outline step by step what you need to do to use ITunes, I will provide a couple of Youtube video links that will give you the details you need and of course you can continue your own learning by searching youtube for more video tutorials, do a Google search for more information on ITunes U, or perhaps look through ITunes U and see what is there. 

Here are some Youtube links for ITunes U:

Other Links:

Apples ITunes U web page

I hope you enjoy learning and using ITunes U. 

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Free New Wallpapers for your PC

Looking for some new wallpapers for your PC? Check out Microsoft Bing's wallpapers.  This link is for Windows 7 users. 

For previous version of Windows (VISTA, Windows XP, etc..) you can download Bing images to your computer and then select one for your wallpaper.  Here is the link for downloading Bing images:


Tuesday, April 27, 2010

ASP.NET 4 and Visual Studio 2010

The new version of ASP.NET – version 4 and Visual Studio – 2010 is now released.  I downloaded them yesterday and installed them.  I haven’t had a lot of time to check them out, this is a busy week for me and I’m leaving this Thursday for five days.  Hopefully I’ll get chance next week to take a good look at the new ASP.NET and Visual Studio. 

If you are interested in learning more about these new released Microsoft products, check out this link:  ASP.NET 4 and Visual Studio 2010 Released.

Microsoft has a free tool for installing everything you need for their web platform.  It is called “Microsoft Web Platform Installer” (MWP).  The MWP will install IIS, SQL, .NET framework, web apps for blogging, and much more.  To learn more about this tool and to download it, visit this web site: Microsoft Web Platform Installer.

If you get a chance to look at things, let us know what you think.


Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Twitter – How it can help Artist

If you are an artist and you are new Twitter, you may want to check this link: 4 Things Artist Can Get Out of Being on Twitter. 

This article outlines some benefits to artist on twitter, but these concepts can be applied to most businesses. 


Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Learning Typing and Word Basics

My neighbor stopped by the other day.  She needed a “Bill of Sale” document typed up and she doesn’t type and she doesn’t know how to use Word.  I did it for her and showed her what I did, but this set me thinking about other folks I know that also don’t know how to type and may not know how to use Microsoft Word.  Typing skills are really helpful on a computer.  When typing up an email, Word document, etc.., knowing how to type can greatly speed up the process and will be far less frustrating.  Here are a few youtube links that teach you how to type:

A lot of folks need to write letters, Bill of Sales, create Contracts, instructions, etc.. on a computer, but they don’t know how to use a Word Processor.  I have used Microsoft Word for years.  It is easy to use and very robust for such task.  Here are some youtube videos to help you get started using Word:

Enjoy your learning journey!

Saturday, April 10, 2010

What is blippr

blippr in a nutshell is a way to keep up with all the media you love.  Books, music, movies, etc.  You can also use blippr to connect to Netflix, facebook and twitter.  Blippr is free.  If this sounds interesting to you, check blippr out by visiting this web site:

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Social Media Jam in Asheville Tonight

Just a heads up about our Thursday 4/8 social media class, 6:30-8 at Tomato Jam Cafe on Biltmore Avenue. Directions are here.

Cost is $20 cash or check made out to Mountain Xpress, payable the night of the class.

Bring your laptops and devices of destruction, it's interactive workshop time! Together we'll learn how to set up a a Twitter account, what makes a good Twitter handle, what to tweet, how to tweet, and how to build and maintain a following.

We'll also talk about Facebook groups, pages and event pages, when to use which, how to manage a Facebook campaign and how to build and interact with your following.

Got any questions? To make your workshop experience the best we possibly can, won't you share them with our facilitator, Wendy Lou, at

See you at Tomato Jam! Follow our blog for updates on future classes, including an intermediate class that builds on this one.


828-251-1333 ext. 154

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

IPad has arrived

The new IPad is now available.  I just watched a new video about it’s features.  It looks pretty cool.  To see this video for yourself, visit this link:

It will be interesting to see how the IPad does.  If you have one of the new IPad’s, post a comment and let us know what you think about it. 

Saturday, March 27, 2010

The Blogger Template Designer

This blog post is for those who use for their blogs and it assumes you already know how to use has improved its template designer and it is in draft mode, but I have just used it to change the theme of this blog and it was easy to do.  I selected one of the new templates that they are offering and it was easy.  Here are a few details of the improvements:

  • 15 new, highly-customizable templates from our design team, split into four families: Simple, Picture Window, Awesome Inc, and Watermark
  • One-, two-, and three-column layouts for each template, with complete control over the size and arrangement of the columns
  • Hundreds of background images and patterns from iStockphoto, the leading microstock image marketplace

To learn more about new template designer check out their blog:

I have been using Windows Live Writer (WLW) to update my blog and it has been working really well.  To see my blog post on Windows Live Writer, click here:

When I changed the template and theme of my blog on, I brought up WLW so that I could create a new post.  WLW was displaying my post in my old theme, but it was easy to change that.  I discovered that I could have WLW download my new theme.  Here is what I did:

  • I selected the “Blogs” option from the menu/navigation at the top of the WLW window/interface. 
  • Next I selected the “Blog Settings” from the drop down menu.  
  • A small pop up windows appears for the “Blog Settings”.  On the left side of this pop up window, click on the “Editing” option. 
  • The display to the right will change and you should see a button labeled “Refresh Theme”.  Click on it and answer any prompts that appear. 

That is it.  Not bad at all and it is pretty cool.  What are you waiting for.  Go check it out and have some fun!

What is next for this blog..

I have decided to continue maintaining this blog as a computer learning blog.  I will try to post interesting (at least to me and hopefully to you) information about new or existing technology that may be of interest to the novice/average computer user. 

This blog will not be connected to the free computer learning group that takes place in Greeneville, TN, but the group and others are more than welcome to use this blog as a resource and even make suggestions of topics they would like to see posted on the blog.  I can’t promise I’ll be able to fulfill every request, but I will do what I can and I’ll do what makes sense. 

I have changed the theme of this blog so that it is hopefully an indicator that something has changed with this blog.  In this case, that I’m no longer running the free computer learning meeting in Greeneville, TN (but hopefully the group will continue) and I was bored with the old theme.  I hope you like the new theme better.  I know I do.

I trust that you will continue to follow my blog and enjoy reading it.  Thanks for following and have some fun today.

Friday, March 26, 2010

Elevate Computer Learning Meetings

I will no longer be running and attending the Elevate Computer Learning Meetings, since I have found full time contract work. 

I have turned the meetings over to two very good folks, Larry and Karen.  They said they were planning on showing up at the Library in Greeneville, TN and having the meeting.  Hopefully others came out and all went well.

I’m not sure what I plan on doing with this blog.   I could continue maintaining it and posting topics of interest to the novice computer user or just discontinue it.  I’m not sure yet.  When I figure it out, I’ll post something. 

In the mean time, enjoy your computer time. 

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Next Meeting and Other Stuff

I just wanted to let everyone know that this Thursday is the Elevate Computer Learning meeting.  I won't be able to attend this meeting or for that matter any of the meetings on Thursday evening.  I have gotten a full time job in Asheville as a Web Site Designer.  I don't get home until 7:00 pm now.  So, if the group wants to continue meeting on Thursdays, the group needs to select someone else to run the meetings. 

If the group wants me to still run the meetings, I could look at doing them on a Saturday.  Janet told me that the library isn’t open on Saturdays, so we would have to change the meeting place if the meeting is moved to Saturday.

If the group wants to continue to meet on Thursdays, I’m really ok with that.  I want what works best for the group.  When I started this group, my vision was to help people learn more about how to use the computer/internet/software.  I believe in doing community service work and giving back to one's community.  This was one of the ways I choose to do that. 

Now, if the group decides to continue meeting on Thursday, you would need someone to send out meeting notices, notify the Greeneville Sun about the free meetings (the Greeneville Sun will publish our meeting notices for free, as long as the meetings are free to the public), have someone setup and maintain a blog for the group, and have someone who can answer computer questions, teach computer stuff and look up computer stuff. 

I have done most of these tasks myself, but the group could break these task down into several roles, so that one person isn’t doing everything.  Here are the some possible ways to break it down into roles:

Admin Role:  This person could send out meeting notices, notify the Greeneville Sun of upcoming meeting and perhaps post the meetings on Craigslist (I have done this some.  I got more response from the paper). 

Blogger Role:  One person could create and maintain a blog for the group.  This is great for meeting notices, explaining new computer technology, etc..

Teacher/Instructor Role:  This would be the main person or maybe even persons that would be able to answer the groups computer questions, research things, suggest new software or technology to the group, etc...

I have a few suggestions of who I think would be good in the above roles.  These are just my suggestions.  Please think about all of this and whatever thoughts or ideas you have, please email them to the whole group or post your comments here.  

For the Admin Role I think the following folks would be good:  Dianne.

For the Blogger Role:  Janet Tony.  She already blogs and is good at it and she knows computer stuff.  I got an email from Janet yesterday, and I don’t think she is going to be able to do this.  Blogging isn’t that difficult to do, so maybe there is someone in the group who likes to write and has been thinking about trying to do some blogging.  This would be a good time to give it a try. allows you to create a free blog. 

Teacher/Instructor Role:  This could be a share role or not.  I think Larry, Janet, Joe and Ann would be good at doing this. 

I have really enjoyed doing these meetings and I really hope the group continues.  You guys are a good group of folks.  If the group decides to continue meeting on Thursdays, I will miss coming, but I will totally understand and I’ll be glad to see that they are being carried on.  I look forward to hearing from everyone. 

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Windows Live Writer

I wanted to post a quick blog entry today.  It is on “Windows Live Writer”.  A good friend of mine from Philly told me about this software from Microsoft.  I hadn’t heard about it.  Sometimes I get so lost in my work that I don’t take time to see what is new. 

I went out and downloaded and installed the new beta version of Windows Live Writer.  I’m using it right now to create this blog entry.  Cool.  So far I like it. 

I do like blogging, but I honesty have to say that I haven’t been a huge fan of the built in blogging editor for this blog. 

The interface for Windows Live Writer (WLW) looks like a cross between a light weight version of a web site development tool and Word.  I’m very comfortable with these tools, so I’m already feeling at home with WLW. 

WLW  has three tabs along the bottom of the main window and they are “Edit, Preview, and Source”.  Anyone familiar with web site designing or development software will be familiar with these tabs and their functions.   The names of the tabs are pretty explanatory, with maybe the exception of one (Source).

Edit allows you to edit an existing post or create a new one and your post will be shown/displayed with your blogs theme.  Pretty cool. 

Preview is how you would see your blog in a browser window (IE, Firefox, Safari, etc..).  Pretty straight forward.

Now, the Source tab might be new for some of you.  The Source tab shows you the actual HTML code for generating your post entry.  I sometimes finds that I want to edit the source code directly, so this tab is very helpful for that.  Not everyone will use the Source tab and that is fine.  For the most part, the Edit tab will more than enough for your blog posts. 

Enough talking.  Let me give you some links for WLW so that you can check it out for yourself and I can get back to exploring WFW some more.  I love technology.  It can be such fun. 



Now it is up to you to go and explore the world of blogging through Windows Live Writer.  Have fun!

Monday, March 8, 2010

Next Meeting - March 11, 2010

Our next Elevate Computer Learning meeting is on March 11, 2010 at the public library downtown Greeneville, TN and we start at 5:00 pm. Come join us.

Friday, February 26, 2010

Meeting Notes from Feb 25, 2010 Meeting

Our meeting we well last night. Spent a lot of time on resolving a Windows error. We walked through the process of tracking down the error and resolving it. We resolved the windows error before class was over.

We talked about Windows user accounts and the folder structure and security that goes along with them.

We discussed social networking and communicating more between meetings. I suggested using Facebook (here is my Facebook page for my web site business and the Elevate Computer learning group: or Google Buzz possibly. This will not only help the group have communications between meetings (we could use the discussion area of Facebook for questions, etc..), but this would also help the group become more familiar with Facebook and social networking, which can be use for many things.

Happy learning..

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Next Meeting - Feb 25, 2010

Our next Elevate Computer Learning meeting is on Feb 25, 2010 at the public library downtown Greeneville, TN and we start at 5:00 pm.  Come join us.

Monday, February 22, 2010

Google's Buzz

Hey Google users, there is a new buzz out there.  It is Google Buzz.  Google Buzz is Google's attempt at tapping into the social networking scene.  We have Facebook, Twitter, MySpace, and the list goes on...  Now there is Google Buzz.

Google Buzz isn't as robust as some of the more dominant social networks, but it is integrated with GMail and pretty easy to use.  I think in time we'll see more features with Google Buzz. 

To learn more about Google Buzz check out this link:  This could be a fun tool for our group to try out and learn together.  I have been playing around with it some, and it's not bad.  

Have fun.

Monday, February 15, 2010

Web Browsers

Some of you may use Internet Explorer (IE) or maybe Mozilla Firefox (FF) to surf the Internet.  There are other web browsers, but a lot of Windows users use either IE or FF for surfing the Internet.  I have both of these installed on my computer.

I have two other browsers installed on my computer also.  Chrome from Google and Safari from Apple.  The reason I have 4 web browsers installed on my computer is for testing new web sites I create.  Depending on what technology was used to create a web page, it may or may not look the same in all web browsers.  When I'm testing the different web browsers I will be bring up the new web site that I have created in these various web browsers to make sure everything looks good.  

Some of you have asked about Apple's Safari web browser.  There is a windows version of Safari that you can download for free.  You may find that you like it better or maybe not.  I think it is good to know you have options and if for some reason you are not happy with your current web browser, give Safari or Chrome a try.  

If you are interested in downloading the Safari web browser, go here: If you download it and use it, let the group know how you like it.

If you want to know more about Chrome and you want to give it a try, check out my blog post on about it:

Have fun!

Monday, February 8, 2010

Next Elevate Computer Learning Meeting - 02/11/10

Our next Elevate Computer Learning meeting is this Thursday - 02/11/10 at the:

Greeneville Public Library on Main Street, Greeneville, TN 37745. We will start at 5:00 pm.

The library has free WIFI. Bring your laptop or web enabled device.

This is open to the public and it is free to attend.

Friday, January 29, 2010

Meeting Notes from 01/28/10

Our meeting went well. We had two new people show up. Welcome Joseph and Ann.

This meeting had no set topic. We talked about various things, based on questions from the group. One of the questions that came up was about the new "IPad" from Apple. I went out and found some Youtube video clips about it.

The new IPad looks pretty slick and cool, but I would want to know more about what its technical specs (what ports does it, etc..) and pricing. Perhaps I'll do a more detailed post on the IPad.

For now, we have a winter storm approaching, so I need to do a few things to prepare for it. I hope everyone stays warm and has what they need.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Next Elevate Computer Learning Meeting - 01/28/10

Our next meeting is Jan 28th, 2010 at the public library on main street in Greeneville, TN 37744 and it starts at 5:00 pm. Come out and join us.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Using Social Networks to Grow Your Business

I thought I would post something that I found on the Mountain Xpress facebook page. It is a workshop on using social newtworks to grow your business. I thought this may be of interest to some of you. I'm thinking about going myself. If anyone is considering going, let me know. Maybe we can car pool or meet there.

Here is the information on the workshop:

* Tuesday, Feb. 9 (going forward, the second Tuesday of the month)
* Tomato Jam Cafe, 379 Biltmore Ave. (in the Doctor's Park)
* 6:30-8:30 p.m.
* $15 per person; bring a laptop or web-enabled device
* RSVP requested:
* Facebook: search Social Media Jams
* Twitter:,  @socialmediajams

A monthly workshop series teaching businesses and people how to use blogs, Flickr, YouTube, Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn for fun and profit launches Feb. 9 at Tomato Jam Cafe.

Co-sponsored by the Mountain Xpress, Tomato Jam Cafe and Skyrunner, the Jams offer homegrown social media expertise in everything from how small businesses can use Twitter to how to use Google Analytics to drive more traffic to your website.

"We want to harness local talent and expertise from people already using social media effectively right here in Asheville," said Social Media Jams organizer Jennifer Saylor, who leads community initiatives for Mountain Xpress. "These workshops are presented by local experts, for local users of all levels."

Leading the first workshop on Tuesday, Feb. 9 is Wendy Lou Gillespie of Creative Imp Works, whose social media clients include, TEDxAsheville and Asheville Vaudeville. Her kickoff workshop will teach small business owners how to use online tools like Twitter and Facebook to grow their business in new ways.

Tomato Jam Cafe offers a limited food menu for the kickoff Jam, complete with dessert.

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Sending Large Files Over the Internet

Have you ever tried to send large files through your email and then have it rejected, saying there isn't enough space. There is a solution - "You Send It" web site.

This web site offers several account types, including a free account. The free account has restrictions, but for most of you in our group, I think this free account will more than meet your needs.

The free account/plan is the "Lite" one. Here are the features of the Lite plan:

  • Plenty of size - Send files up to 100 MB with a 1 GB monthly download limit.
  • Downloads - Allow up to 100 downloads of every file.
  • Address book - Keep track of your friends' and family's email addresses in one handy location.
  • Files remain available for 7 days - Give your recipients a week to download the files you've sent.

"You Send It" (YSI) offers a couple of methods of sending files once you have signed up for one of their plans. You can download one of their plug-ins (a program that expands the functionality of another program), which they have a nice of list of plug-ins, such as Adobe Acrobat, IPhone, Photoshop, Microsoft Suite, etc.. To see what plug-ins are available check out this link:

You can also login into your new free YSI account and you can send files right from your accounts web page.

There is also a third option, they offer a standalone program that you can download and install and run it buy itself and send files.

So, as you can they provide a lot of ways of sending large files and all these options are pretty easy to use. You just need to pick one that works best for you. I don't get any kick backs - smile. I just like sharing information about useful things (from my perspective anyway) you can do on your computer and the internet.

If you have large photos, mp3 or video you need to send out and it is 100 mg or less, you may want to consider using "You Send It". Here is the link for signing up for the free account/plan:

If you give "You Send It" a try, let the group know by sharing with us how it worked for you.

I recently used it and it worked great for me. I needed to send some large images to an art show, and this option worked great and it saved me from having to burn a CD and mailing it out. Pretty cool.

If the group is interested in seeing this in action, we could go over it at our next meeting, which is this Thursday. Enjoy!

Friday, January 15, 2010

Meeting Notes for 01/14/10

We had our first meeting of the year yesterday. We met for the first time at the Greeneville Public Library in Greeneville, TN. It went well. We really like the place. The lighting was great. Tables are nice and big and work well. All in all, it was a nice and comfortable place to have a meeting and the price is right for our group - free.

Thanks again go to Diane for making this suggesting (moving our meeting to the library) and checking with the library to obtain permission. I did follow up with them. They were very open to idea of meeting there.

Counting me, there were 4 people were present at this meeting. We didn't have a topic on our agenda, so I just decided to keep things open and let folks throw out questions. We only had a few questions, what internet service options are available in the area and USB memory sticks verses CD/Storage. How are the best ways to use these medias.

We didn't create a topics list for the year. For now, we have didn't to keep things open and if someone has something they would really like to cover, they can email a few days prior to the meeting, so I have time to put something together, if it is needed. Otherwise things will be much more informal and I'll just answer questions as they come up.

We did spend part of the meeting just talking about life and getting to know one another a little better. We found out that Diane just purchased a new home here in Greeneville. Congratulations Diane!

Our next meeting is scheduled for Jan 28, 2010 and it will be at the Greeneville Public Library in Greeneville TN and we start at 5:00 pm. I'm looking forward to seeing everyone.

Until then, stay warm and live life joyfully.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Touching Base

It has been a while since I have made a blog post. With the holiday season and all the snow we have been getting (we currently have 7 inches on the ground and it is still coming down), I really haven't been getting on the computer much.

If you are interested in seeing some of our snow, I took a bunch of photos and I made a slide show that I have up on youtube. Here is the link to watch it:  I hope you enjoy it.

I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday season. I sure did. It wasn't too crazy, just really nice. I got to spend time with family and friends and we ate to much and laughed lots. It was really good medicine.

I ran across a web site today that has been up real long and I thought some of you from the group may be interested in the link. It is on "Writing". Here is the web site link:  

We need to be thinking about our first meeting of the year. I would like to come up with a list of topics for the year (we can always add or change anything on the list as we go through the year, if we need to), so come with your thinking caps on. We are going to try having the meeting at the Library again. It didn't work out last time, but I'm willing to give it another try and if it doesn't work out this time, I'll have to re-think things.

So our first meeting of the year is schedule for Jan 14th, 2010 at the Greenville, TN library on Main Street. We'll get started at 5:00 pm.

I look forward to seeing everyone.

Stay warm.....