Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Meeting Tonight - Dec 8th, 2009

Meeting Reminder - The meeting starts at 5:00 pm and will be held at:  Greeneville/Greene County Public Library 210 North Main Street, Greeneville, TN 37745, (423) 638-5034, web site: http://www.ggcpl.org/.  They have free WIFI (Internet access) and tables for us to use.

We will covering blogging at this meeting. Thanks goes out to Janet for making the suggestion. Here are a couple of links to check out that cover blogging:

I would like to spend part of the meeting coming up with a list of topics for future meetings. So come with your ideas and thinking caps on.

Remember that we are only meeting once this month, due to Christmas.

I look forward to seeing you all at the next meeting.

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Accessing All Your Email Accounts from one Email Account

In this world of the cell phones, the Internet, IPods, Facebook, and email, you may find that you have multiple email accounts and trying to management them all from different locations becomes a true bother.  Wouldn't it be nice to access everything from one location, from one email account?  Yeah... 

There are several approaches to accessing all your email accounts from one central location.  One approach would be to have all your email accounts forwarding all their email to one web mail account (gmail, yahoo, hotmail, etc...) and then checking your web mail account to view all your email.  For me that would be gmail.  I have several email accounts that forward all their email to my gmail account and I check my emails from all of these email accounts by logging into my gmail account.  Wow!  I'm logging into one email account and viewing email from multiple email accounts.  Awesome.....

The other approach would be to use an email client locally on your PC, such as Microsoft Outlook, Microsoft Outlook Express, or some other email client.  This option requires that you configure Pop3 for each of the email clients you want to access.  You would need the following information for each email account that you wanted to setup:

  • Pop3 Server Address
  • SMTP Server Address
  • Your email id
  • Your email password
You can obtain the above information from your email provider. 
Once you have this setup in your local email client (Outlook, Outlook Express, or some other email client), then you can have it download all your email to this local email client.  I did this for years and I still do it for a few of my business email accounts.

Here are some links that will help to explain how to set things up - step by step instructions:

Have fun.